
30 Dec 2009

Happy New Year

I wish everyone a Happy New Year, health, love, and lots of books.

York Minster, one of the windows

I don't have photos of fireworks, but I think that shot is a fitting substitute - taken against the light the rosette window looks like an exploding firework star on the night sky.

24 Dec 2009

Happy Holidays

I wish everyone a Merry Christmas, Io Saturnalia, Happy Chanukka or in whatever way you celebrate the return of the light.

Meditation corner in the Abbey Church of Bursfelde / Weser

20 Dec 2009

Roman Playmobil Fun

One of the features of the exhibition in the LWL Roman Museum in Haltern am See was the display of three legions of playmobil Romans spread all over the museum. The 15,000 figures were to demonstrate the number of Romans marching through the German forests towards their doom.

LWL Museum, Haltern

A part of the Roman army on the march can be seen in the middle of the photo (the red guys in the background), another in the upper part (blue ones) - both on boards suspeded from the ceiling. The greater part of the marching column walked on boards above eye height and was a bit tricky to photograph. I managed to get some acceptable closeups, though.

Some legionaries

We are Marius' Mules, one, two, three, and a-marching we go.

Sometimes also called Caesar's mules, but it was the consul Marius who standardized the Roman soldier's marching gear during the wars against the Cimbri and Teutones, another bunch of unruly Germanic tribes.

Legionary cavalry

Heh, you sorry footsloggers. We have horses, neiner, neiner.

Each legion had 120 cavalry soldiers, but overall the Romans relied on auxiliary cavalry from conquered or allied countries.

Part of the train

A legion on march had a train, mostly consisting of the larger baggage, the official families of the officers and sometimes the inofficial families of the soldiers (who were not allowed to marry), and provisions.

Poor sod

Some of the Playmobil soldiers got lost on the way, like this poor guy. Twisted his ankle when he stumbled over one of those damn tree roots.

There was a game for the kids who visited the museum to find all the stray figures.

Special polishing duty

Damn, how many of those helmets are there and why did I piss the centurion off again?

Romans soldiers had a lot of work to do besides walking (and sometimes fighting), like cleaning their armour, cooking, and digging trenches for the camp.

Digging ditches

Is that ditch no. 287 or 288? They never told us about that when they recruited us for the great of Rome and fame and regular pay.

Romans erected a fortified camp with trenches and palisades every night on a march, and they even did it the first night of the Varus battle, which says a few things about Roman discipline

Playing at dice

We should hide behind the tent. If the centurion sees us, it's polishing helmets again.

Dice was the most popular game, but there were also more strategical ones like nine men's morris or one a bit like backgammon.

Roman potter

If Gaius Incitus breaks another oil lamp, he can sleep in the dark. Or buy a bronze one, provided he wins at dice for a change.

Repair of armour, weapons and other items was mostly done in the forts, but there were always soldiers with special skills who could do emergency repairs on the march. They were called immunes because they were exempt from some of the regular soldier's duties, like digging.


Oops, where is my lion hide?

I suppose Playmobill doesn't produce those, but the aquilifer, the bearer of the legionary standard, was dressed in a lion fur with the headpiece over his own head. I've yet to figure out where that custom comes from.

More Roman soldiers

Another closeup of some marching legionaries with their pack mules. Every contubernium, a group of eight soldiers who shared a tent and cook fire, had a mule for the larger items the men didn't carry themselves, like tent poles and the portable millstone to prepare the daily grain ration.

I was tempted to buy a Playmobil soldier in the museum shop, but managed to resist.

13 Dec 2009

By Ferry to Newcastle

The most comfortable way to get to Scotland is to take the Amsterdam / Newcastle ferry, and I've crossed into the harbour of Newcastle several times - always with the camera ready. Arriving or leaving Newcastle give you some interesting vistas.

Sunrise on the ferry

After all, the Romans did it that way too, sometimes, because Newcastle was a major harbour already during their time.

Morning at sea

Another aspect I love when traveling by train, bus or ferry is that you get a better feel for the distances than traveling by plane, and it's a great way to see a country. Ok, I know the route from my hometown to Amsterdam by now, but the part through the Kasseler Berge, the Taunus and the montains between Frankfurt and Cologne is always beautiful.

Lighthouse of North Shields / Newcastle

On the way back, the weather was more 'British', with an overcast sky and the occasional downpour, but it made for some pretty atmospheric photos. I particularly loved the ruins of the castle and Tynemouth Abbey.

North Shields, up the Tyne river to the harbour

The remains of the priory, with a WW2 flak batteries to the right. The strategically important headland at the entrance to the Tyne river has been settled since the Iron Age. It later was occupied by a Norman castle of which some remains are left, and on the other side lies the Roman fort Arbeia.

Tynemouth Priory and WW2 fortifications

The sky had been cloudy in the afternoon, but when the ferry left Newcastle, some sunrays broke through and sparkled on the water like a farewell.

Sunrays over Tynemouth Lighthouse

Another pretty sunset. The light is a bit softer on the North Sea - at least it felt that way to me -, not so brilliant as some sunsets at the west coast.

Sunset on the North Sea

The sea was calm on the way back, but during the journey to Newcastle there had been a storm that made even the big ferry roll a bit. I don't mind that, though.