
31 Oct 2022

It is Nano Time Again – And some Personal Remarks

I know I’ve not been blogging for several months, partly due to private problems, partly because of the geopolitical situation that takes up some of my free time.
Tangermünde at the Elbe river

The photos in this post come from a little tour in the Altmark at the Elbe I did in September. Got to photograph some pretty Romanesque and Gothic brick architecture, and found a lovely little town, Tangermünde, which is still somewhat flowing beneath the tourist radar.
Tangermünde, the town hall

Another reason is the lack of feedback in the comments and visitor statistics – sometimes I wonder if all the work I’ve put into this blog still pays off, and I often think it no longer does after everyone wandered off to Facebook.
Tangermünde, the Neustadt Gate, closeup of some decorations

I did a bit of work in the background like updating some posts and tampering with the sidebar. But that is another problem with this blog; a considerable amount of older posts needs to be reworked – I tended to write shorter posts more frequently during the first years of blogging that are no longer up to the present standard – and that is work people won’t even see most of the time. Yet it is a hill of labour in front of me.
Havelberg, the Romanesque cathedral, interior

I have material for a lot of new posts (some of it dating back years), but I’m not sure where I’m going with this blog. I don’t want to waste 15 years of work, but right now the pleasure of blogging is gone; it feels more like a chore.
Jerichow monastery, the Romanesque cloister

November is Nano Writing Month again. I’ve participated in that for years, so I’ll concentrate on writing fiction druing the coming five weeks, even though I’m not very motivated. Maybe the interest in writing at all, and thus writing for this blog will return.
Tangermünde, half timbered houses

I’ll post again once I have decided where to go with this blog in the long run.


  1. Gabriele

    Whether or not I comment, I always read and enjoy your posts.

    Have Fun!


  2. I appreciate your posts for the history and photos of the places that we may not ever travel to. I found it very useful when I was reading to my teens history of the middle ages from some old books. It was neat to see photos of places we were reading about. Thank you for all your work!

  3. "I have material for a lot of new posts (some of it dating back years), but I’m not sure where I’m going with this blog. I don’t want to waste 15 years of work, but right now the pleasure of blogging is gone; it feels more like a chore."

    I was there in 2014 or so. Had a change in my position with new responsibilities and blogging went from an enjoyable diversion discussing something non work-related to a burden on my time.

    Now that I'm retired I'm hoping the pendulum swings back the other way. Best wishes and I hope you continue and will understand if you do not.

  4. Hi Gabriele. I'm still here. I know exactly what you mean. Blogging has become a chore at times. My blogging is different to yours. There's not that many people online who like or know too much about Piers Gaveston. But I like to keep his name alive and also post about places I've visited. I'm not bothered about stats or comments, but I can see it's different for you. I've enjoyed your posts and fabulous pictures. Thank you. Whatever you decide to do, good luck! and good luck with the Nano project again.

  5. It's kind of not fair that people have wandered off to facebook; I personally hate posting anything over there or even visiting, while I still enjoy Blogger. Nevertheless, break a NaNoWriMo leg! We'll be here when you get back!

  6. Hi Gabriele. I'm usually lurking in the background and do not
    post much myself. Please continue.


  7. Hallo Gabriele, meine Erfahrung ist für Geschichte interessieren sich sehr wenige.
    Ich habe meinen Werbefreien Blog verändert. Romanik - Berichte wurden so gut wie nie angeschaut, habe ich gelöscht.
    Seit ich meinen Blog verändert und reduziert habe, sind meine Besucher - Zahlen sehr stark angestiegen. Ich denke zu viel Info schreckt ab.
    Dazu kommt meine Interessen und Fotografie hat sich stark geändert.
    Meine Beobachtung ist: Gleichgültigkeit und keine Interessen haben sehr stark zugenommen.
    Gerne denke ich an die Zeit vor Corona zurück. Der Austausch im Internet und beim Reisen war viel viel grösser wie heute. Was ist deine Meinung dazu? Schöne Grüße Jens.

  8. I just came across your blog as I began digging into my family's origins in the town of Hardegsen and the surrounding area. Your post on Castle Hardeg was really delightful and informative. Thank you! I am hoping to continue to discover more about the history of that part of Germany - that might help me understand more about the story of my ancestors.

    Randy Lohr
    Richmond, Virginia, USA


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