Schäferscheune (near the Krukenburg)
Here are some pics of the Schäferscheune, or Shepherd's Barn, just below the Krukenburg.
Schäferscheune, outside view
The building was erected in the 13th century as outwork for the defense of the Krukenburg. In the 17th century it served as house for the first Huguenot refugees (before they settled in the newfounded town
Karlshafen), later it was used as barn. From 2001-04 the building was renovated and the old structures repaired. It now houses a restaurant.
Inside view
The interior has a nice, rustic flair, and the food is what we call
Hausmannskost, typical German fare. They got good cakes as well.
Another outside view
BTW I think it's some fun that my blog now appears first if you search for
Krukenburg in Yahoo.